Why call the Arkansas Poison Center ?

  1. You may call the Poison Center for any poisoning question or concern you may have for yourself, friend or family member.
  2. Bites and stings are a common reason to contact the Arkansas Poison Center.  If you have had a bite or sting call the 1-800-222-1222 hotline number immediately.
  3. The staff is trained in toxicology by a board certified medical toxicologist who has 35+ years experience in the field.
  4. Staff of specialists in poison information (pharmacists and registered nurses) is available 24 hours a day by.  We do not use an answering machine ever so you will always talk to a live person!
  5. Provide treatment recommendations concerning:


          Skin, ear and eye exposures

          Bites and stings

          Bad reactions to foods or drugs

Call the administrative line at 501-686-6161 for poison prevention materials to be mailed to your home,  work place or school.  You can also fill out our online request form for materials. Remember for a poison exposure or medication question please call the hotline number at 1-800-222-1222.